Egyptian Cinema Industry Chamber

The Chamber of Cinema Industry was established in 1947 by a decision from the Egyptian Federation of Industries. It consists of three sections: the Production Section, the Distribution and Exhibition Section, and the Laboratories and Studios Section.
The mission of the Chamber
Elevate the Egyptian cinema industry by supporting and encouraging film production, developing the artistic skills of the workforce in the field, and providing a suitable environment for investment in the cinema industry.
The vision of the Chamber
Create a conducive environment for the cinema industry’s activities, including production, distribution, and exhibition, to maximize the benefits of this important sector, representing Egypt’s soft power.
Members of the Board of the Chamber of Cinema Industry
2021 – 2025
Services of the Cinema Industry Chamber:
Intervening with authorities to remove obstacles that hinder the industry, such as tax authorities, sales taxes, and other external entities to uphold intellectual property rights.
Protecting the distribution of Egyptian films domestically and internationally, issuing the necessary certificates, and creating a file for each film through documents related to rights and ownership.
Organizing film screenings, including those on video and satellite.
Resolving disputes that arise between members.
History of the Establishment of the Cinema Industry Chamber
The Cinema Industry Chamber was established by Ministerial Decree No. 458 of 1947, dated September 17, 1947, and published in the Official Gazette No. 89 on September 25, 1947. Its purpose was to oversee the common interests of permanently established entities in Egypt engaged in the cinema industry and to represent this industry to public authorities.
On October 15, 1960, Minister of Industry Decision No. 486 of 1960 was issued to establish the chamber, but it was later annulled.
On March 3, 1972, Minister of Industry Decision No. 203 of 1972 was issued to establish the Cinema Industry Chamber as part of the other industrial chambers affiliated with the Egyptian Federation of Industries.